This Country Must Change: Essays on the Necessity of Revolution in the USA (e-Book)
Editor: Craig Rosebraugh
Publisher: Arissa Media Group/PM Press
ISBN: 9780974288475
Published: 6/2009
Format: PDF, ePub, Mobi
Size: 5.5 x 8.5
Page count: 240
Subjects: Politics-Activism
This Country Must Change is an effort to further the discussion of the necessity of a fundamental political and social revolution in the United States. This book contains essays by twelve activists and authors, all who have demonstrated a lifelong commitment to revolutionary change. It is as inspiring as it is educational and a must read for anyone involved with or considering advocating for political or social change within the U.S. Arguing that reformist measures cannot be relied upon to correct the fundamental problems caused by the corporate elite and political structure in the United States, the contributing authors in this book are unified in their call for a significant revolutionary change in the United States of America
Contributors include: Craig Rosebraugh, Jalil Muntaqim, Jonathan Paul, Jeff Luers, Jake Conroy, Ronald Kuykendall, Bill Dunne, Peter Young, Jaan Laaman, Rob Los Ricos, Ramona Africa, and Leslie Pickering.
About the Editor:
Craig Rosebraugh has been a political activist since the early 1990s. He is the former national spokesperson for the Earth Liberation Front and Animal Liberation Front, as well as a cofounder of the North American Earth Liberation Front Press Office (NAELFPO). He has written articles for the Earth First! Journal and No Compromise magazine, contributed to Toward Freedom, and is the author of Burning Rage of a Dying Planet. He lives in Tempe, Arizona. See his full bio here.
See and hear author interviews, book reviews, and other news on Craig Rosebraugh's page HERE
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