Earth Liberation Front 1997-2002 (e-Book)

SKU: earthlibfronte
Author: Leslie James Pickering
Publisher: Arissa Media Group/PM Press
ISBN: 9780974288406
Published: 6/2007
Format: PDF, ePub, Mobi
Size: 6 x 9
Page count: 256
Subjects: Politics-Activism, Current Events

Qty: - +


The Earth Liberation Front (ELF) has been active in the United States officially since 1997, causing more than $100 million in damages to various entities. As the organization continues to grow and expand its range of targets, ELF has taken an extreme position against individuals, corporations, and governments that, in the organization's view, places monetary gain ahead of the natural environment. Rejecting state sanctioned means of legal protest, ELF uses economic sabotage to inflict financial suffereing on those deemed objectionable.

In February 2002, the FBI listed the ELF as the largest and most active US-based terrorist group. Although no one has died in any of these operations, ELF's campaign against loggers, SUV dealerships, and others it considers threats to the planet have galvanized and polarized the environmental movement.

Former ELF spokesperson Leslie James Pickering traces the first five years of ELF activity through communiques, underground newspapers, interviews and news media releases.

The first book to be published on the ELF, Earth Liberation Front 1997-2002 is a must read for anyone interested in understanding the radical environmental movement in the United States and the birth of a clandestine, underground organization acting in defense of the planet

About the Author:

Leslie James Pickering is a founder and former spokesperson for the North American Earth Liberation Front Press Office and is the editor of of Conspiracy to Riot in Furtherance of Terrorism: The Collective Autobiography of the RNC 8 and author of Mad Bomber Melville. He lives in Buffalo, New York.

See and hear author interviews, book reviews, and other news on Leslie James Pickering's page HERE

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