Big Noise Dispatches: 01-06 Combo Pack (DVD)

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This combo pack includes:

Dispatches 01

Dispatches 02

Dispatches 03

Dispatches 04

Dispatches 05

Dispatches 06

Big Noise are known for their radical investigations, analysis and on-the-ground video coverage of an extensive range of stories here is a sample of the 20+ stories included:

  • Reconstructing Jihad: Israel's July War destroyed 130,000 homes and created 1 million refugees but failed to defeat Hezballah. The next phase of the struggle is Hezballah's race to rebuild its southern stronghold. (14 min)

  • The Jena 6: Big Noise news report from the legal lynching in Jena LA, where six black students face life in prison for a schoolyard fight. (12 min)

  • The Battle For Basra: An inside look at the battle between Iraq’s three largest Shiite parties over control of the city that taps most of Iraq’s oil wealth. (16 min)

  • New Orleans: Man-Made Disaster: The hundreds who died here were not killed by the storm—they were left for days to drown as floodwaters rose around them. And today, the storm isn't what's keeping most of the city's former residents from returning home. (26 min)

  • The Detention Imperative: An Inside Look at the U.S. Detention System in Iraq; Few American institutions affect the lives of ordinary Iraqis more directly and profoundly than the U.S. detention system. But once Iraqis are swept up in the system, there is no clear way out. (21 min)

  • Election Suppression: Big Noise teams up with journalist Greg Palast on this BBC investigation of the suppression of the vote in the 2008 elections. (14 min)

  • Broke Down in Motor City: Detroit was once the epicenter of American industry. Today, it is a city in crisis. Broke Down in Motor City is the story of this crisis, and of the people fighting to save their homes and their city.  (21 min)

  • Blackwater's Youngest Victim: Jeremy Scahill's exclusive report on the last man standing between Blackwater and impunity for the mercenary company's role in the massacre of Iraqi civilians in Nisur Square, Iraq. (22 min)

  • Vulture Funds Attack Liberia: Greg Palast travels to Liberia to uncover a scam by American debt speculators to take millions from one of the poorest countries on the planet. But when we showed up to ask them about it at their office in New York, it seemed to have. . . disappeared. (7 min)

    See and hear film maker interviews, book reviews, and other news on Big Noise Tactical Media's page HERE

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