Big Noise Dispatches 06 (DVD)

SKU: 9781604863666
Produced by: Big Noise Tactical Media and PM Press
Published: 6/2010
UPC Code: 760137502890
ISBN: 9781604863666
Format: DVD (NTSC)
Language: English
Length: 80 Minutes
DVD Aspect Ratio: 1.78:1
Size: 7.5 x 5.5
Subjects: Documentary, Current Events

Qty: - +


Wars crush our humanity. Defeats splinter our movements. Corporate media turns a blind eye to our mounting crises and a cynical one to the people who stand up against them. Against a tide of ignorance, isolation and cynicism, Big Noise Dispatches take you around the world to look war and crisis in the face, but also to witness a shared struggle for survival and dignity in this time of violence.

Jeremy Scahill investigates Blackwater's role in the Nisur Square massacre, Greg Palast tracks American debt speculators to Liberia, Big Noise goes inside the resurgent white power movement in America, and we visit East St. Louis.

  • Blackwater's Youngest Victim
    Jeremy Scahill's exclusive report on the last man standing between Blackwater and impunity for the mercenary company's role in the massacre of Iraqi civilians in Nisur Square, Iraq. (22 min)
  • Vulture Funds Attack Liberia
    Greg Palast travels to Liberia to uncover a scam by American debt speculators to take millions from one of the poorest countries on the planet. But when we showed up to ask them about it at their office in New York, it seemed to have. . . disappeared. (7min)
  • White Power USA
    From skinheads to border militias to the right wing of the "Tea Party Movement", Big Noise takes a disturbing inside look at the resurgence of white nationalism in America. (22 min)
  • East St. Louis
    Can residents of East St. Louis save their town? Or has it become obsolete - a warning to all American cities facing de-industrialization? (26 min)

 About Big Noise Tactical Media:

Big Noise Tactical Media is a collective of media-makers dedicated to circulating beautiful, passionate, revolutionary images.

See and hear film maker interviews, book reviews, and other news on Big Noise Tactical Media's page HERE

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