A Moment of Doubt

SKU: 9781604863079
Author: Jim Nisbet
Publisher: Green Arcade and PM Press
ISBN: 9781604863079
Published: 11/2010
Format: Paperback
Size: 8 x 5
Page count: 144
Subjects: Fiction

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A Moment of Doubt is at turns hilarious, thrilling, and obscene. Jim Nisbet’s novella is ripped from the zeitgeist of the ’80s, and set in a sex-drenched San Francisco, where the computer becomes the protagonist’s co-conspirator and both writer and machine seem to threaten the written word itself.

The City as whore provides a backdrop oozing with drugs, poets and danger. Nisbet has written a madcap meditation on the angst of a writer caught in a world where the rent is due, new technology offers up illicit ways to produce the latest bestseller, and the detective and other characters of the imagination might just sidle up to the bar and buy you a drink in real life. The world of A Moment of Doubt is the world of phone sex, bars and bordellos, AIDS, and the lure of hacking. Coming up against the rules of the game—the detective genre itself—has never been such a nasty and gender-defying challenge.

Plus: An interview with Jim Nisbet, who is “Still too little read in the United States, it's a joy for us that Nisbet has been recognized here...” Regards: Le Mouvement des Idées


“He is as weird as the world. And for some readers, that's a quality to cherish. It's as if Nisbet inhabited and wrote from a world right next to ours, only weirder.”
—Rick Kleffel, bookotron.com

“Missing any book by Nisbet should be considered a crime in all 50 states and maybe against humanity.”
—Bill Ott, Booklist

“With Nisbet, you know you can expect anything and you're never disappointed.”
—Le Figaro

“Jim Nisbet is a poet… [who] resembles no other crime fiction writer. He mixes the irony of Dantesque situations with lyric narration, and achieves a luxuriant cocktail that truly leaves the reader breathless.”
Drood's Review of Mysteries

About the Author:

San Francisco writer Jim Nisbet has published nine novels, including the acclaimed Lethal Injection. He has also published five volumes of poetry. His novel, Dark Companion, was shorted-listed for the 2006 Hammett Prize. His works have been published in French as well as English, along with a miscellany of additional translations into German, Japanese, Italian, Polish, Hungarian, Greek and, forthcoming, Russian and Romanian. 2010 could be named “The Year of Jim Nisbet” as, in addition to the publication of A Moment of Doubt, Jim has a new hardcover, Windward Passage, coming in Spring of ’10, from Overlook Press, along with reprints of eight of his backlist titles, beginning with the long out of print Lethal Injection.

See and hear author interviews, book reviews, and other news on the Jim Nisbet's page HERE

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