Race Traitor Journal

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Race Traitor calls itself a journal of the New Abolitionism. Its motto is "Treason to whiteness is loyalty to humanity." The journal takes its stand on two points: first, that the "white race" is not a natural but a social category; second, that what was historically constructed can be undone. The first of these points is now widely accepted; scientists have concluded that there are no biological standards for distinguishing one "race" from another, and social scientists have begun to examine how race was constructed and how it is reproduced. The "social construction of race" has become something of a catch-phrase in the academy. However, few have taken the next step: indeed one might say that up to now the philosophers have merely interpreted the white race; the point, however, is to abolish it.

PM Press has several issues of this legendary journal. Please select from the drop-down menu.
Note: The image displayed in your cart will be for Issue No. 11 (pictured above) regardless of issue(s) ordered.

Issue No. 2, Summer 1993:
Highlights include "Three Days that Shook the New World Order: The Los Angeles Rebellion of 1992" by The Chicago Surrealist Group, and "Gangsta' Rap: Live on the Stage of History" by Christopher Day
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Issue No. 3, Spring 1994:
Highlights include "Back From Hell: Black Power and Treason to Whiteness Inside Prison Walls" by Komboa Ervin, and "Panic, Rage, and Reason" by John Garvey.
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Issue No. 4, Winter 1995:
Highlights include "Manifesto of a Dead Daughter" by Patricia Eakins , and "Police Assisted Homicide" by Joel Olson.
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Issue No. 5, Winter 1996:
Highlights include "Exchange with a National Socialist" by Noel Ignatiev and Arthur Pendragon, and "Black-Jewish Conflict in the Labor Context: Race, Jobs, and Institutional Power" by Herbert Hill.
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Issue No. 6, Summer 1996:
Highlights include "Copwatch" by Selena and Katrina, and "Latinos: The Indian Escape Hatch" by William Javier Nelson.
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Issue No. 7, Spring 1997:
Highlights include Abolitionism on the Campus, and "Race and the Enlightenment: From Anti-Semitism to White Supremacy, 1492-1676" by Loren Goldner
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Issue No. 8, Winter 1998:
Highlights include "Black and White and Dead All Over: The Lucasville Insurrection" by Staughton Lynd, and "Chiapas & Montana: Tierra Y Libertad" by James Murray.
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Issue No. 10, Winter 1999:
Highlights include "Resisting Arrest" by Ann Filemyr, and "Abolitionism and the White Studies Racket" by Noel Ignatiev.
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Issue No. 11, Spring 2000: (pictured above)
Highlights include "The Wiggers You Love to Hate" by David Hill, and "White Trash Identity and the Loss of Slack" by James Murray.
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Issue No. 12, Spring 2001:
Highlights include "A Fucking White Revolutionary Mass Movement and Other Fables of Whiteness" by David Barber, and "I Become a Political Traitor" by Sara Littlecrow-Russell.
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Issue No. 15, Fall 2001:
Highlights include "The Life and Death of Timothy McVeigh" by John Garvey, and "Race Behind Bars - An Exchange" by Staughton Lynd.
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Issue No. 16, Winter 2005:
Special Palestine issue. Final Issue of Race Traitor.
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