Lucky Leaf Handbook, The
Author: T. E. P. Noodle
Publisher: Boatwhistle Books
ISBN: 9781911052067
Published: 2021
Format: Paperback Pocketbook
Size: 3.5 x 5
Page count: 184
Subjects: Nature, Games, Humor
The Lucky Leaf Handbook is the world’s first guide to the game of catching leaves as they fall from the trees. T. E. P. Noodle is a pioneering “lucky leafer” who has been playing the game for many years, and has harnessed that experience, along with immeasurable enthusiasm and an inimitable prose style, to produce a book that will appeal to readers of all ages who have a spirit of adventure and a love of the great outdoors. By the end of the book, the author believes, you too will regard lucky leaf as “the greatest of all games”.
Gaining a devoted following via Instagram on its British release in 2021 the book is now finally available in America. The Lucky Leaf Handbook is published in a miniature format, and is bedecked with over 40 original illustrations and photographs, plus a detailed index. The text covers all aspects of the game of lucky leaf, and a good deal more besides. It is one of the most unusual and uplifting books you will ever read. All this for just seven dollars!
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