War and Civil Disobedience (CD)

SKU: 9781604860993
Author: Howard Zinn
Publisher: PM Press / Trade Root
ISBN: 9781604860993
Published: 12/2009
UPC: 877746000928
Format: Audio CD
Length: 60 Minutes
Size: 5.5 x 5.5
Subjects: Spoken Word, Politics

Qty: - +


What are citizens to do when confronted by unjust laws and when their government embroils them in unjust wars?

Delivered in the context of the current US war in Iraq, this is a scintillating lecture and discussion by the legendary teacher, historian, playwright, and activist. The efforts of Zinn to recover and pass on stories of civil disobedience to the unjust wars of US history offers models, ideas, and inspirations for how and why we might go about challenging and changing the structures of power.


“Howard’s life and work are a persistent reminder that our own subjective judgments of the likelihood of success in engaging human problems are of little interest, to ourselves or others. What matters is to take part, as best we can, in the small actions of unknown people that can stave off disaster and bring about a better world, to honor them for their achievement, to do what we can to ensure that these achievements are understood and carried forward.”
—Noam Chomsky

“What can I say that will in any way convey the love, respect, and admiration I feel for this unassuming hero who was my teacher and mentor.”
—Alice Walker

About Howard Zinn:

Howard Zinn, professor emeritus at Boston University, is perhaps this country’s premier radical historian. During World War II, he saw combat duty as an air force bombardier. After the war, he went to Columbia University on the GI Bill. He was an active figure in the civil rights and anti-Vietnam War movements. Today, he speaks all over the country before large and enthusiastic audiences. He’s a regular contributor to The Progressive magazine. His masterpiece, A People’s History of the United States, continues to sell in huge numbers. His latest books are A Power Governments Cannot Suppress and Original Zinn with David Barsamian.

See and hear author interviews, book reviews, and other news on Howard Zinn's page HERE

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