Antipolitika Journal #3: Nationalism

SKU: Antipolitika3
Size: 6.5 x 9.25
Format: Paperback
Published: 07/2023
Publisher: Antipolitika
Author: Various Authors
Page count: 202
Subjects: Anarchism, Nationalism, History

Qty: - +


The latest Balkan Anarchist journal (more like a book) returns with an issue about nationalism. Contains texts written by anarchists from Zagreb, Thessaloniki, Belgrade, Athens, Ljubljana, Paris and Los Angeles. Some of the topics covered are: critiques of anti-imperialism, critiques of nationalist policies of groups such as Young Bosnia (famous because of an incident in 1914) and the Communist Party of Yugoslavia, the anti-nationalist ideas of Robert Musil, and others.


The latest Balkan Anarchist journal (more like a book) returns with an issue about nationalism. Contains texts written by anarchists from Zagreb, Thessaloniki, Belgrade, Athens, Ljubljana, Paris and Los Angeles. Some of the topics covered are: critiques of anti-imperialism, critiques of nationalist policies of groups such as Young Bosnia (famous because of an incident in 1914) and the Communist Party of Yugoslavia, the anti-nationalist ideas of Robert Musil, and others.

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