The Cry of Mother Earth: Plan of Action of the Ecosocialist International (e-Book)

SKU: 9781629639505
Author: Ecosocialist Horizons
Series: PM Press
ISBN: 9781629639505
Published: 03/21/23
Format: epub & PDF
Size: 5x7
Pages: 144
Subjects: POLITICAL SCIENCE / Political Ideologies / Communism, Post-Communism & Socialism • NATURE / Environmental Conservation & Protection

Qty: - +


The Cry of Mother Earth: Plan of Action of the Ecosocialist International recognizes and records the history and the future of the world’s first Ecosocialist International—a chorus of grief and praise for Mother Earth and a planetary program of revolutionary action in defense of free life.

It combines two historic documents, written in a collective process of loving exchange and hope, in a land that knows liberation, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. The first is an invitation—an urgent summons to come together and draft a plan of action for the salvation of ourselves and the planet. It is a wish—a seed. The second is the fruit of that seed written a year later, over the course of four days with the words of over one hundred delegates from five continents. It is a compass and a cradle, a map and a manifesto, for a global revolution—a return to a way of life in unity with nature.


“I am humbled by the simplicity, political generosity, spiritual depth, gentleness, and ecological sense carried in this ecosocialist vision. Meeting the cry of Gaia, we will act together for Life-on-Earth and we know what to do—the future is pluriversal.”
—Ariel Salleh, ecofeminist writer and activist

“This is terrific, what every grassroots organizer needs, a profoundly revolutionary and practical vision rooted in the lives and achievements of Third World people. Beautifully written, filled with imagination to protect the people and the planet as fascist mobs roam the earth, the First Ecosocialist International vision paper offers me hope and pushes me, as I push others, far to the left into the future by seeing the past ‘not only as a point of departure but also as a point of arrival.’”
—Eric Mann, author of Playbook for Progressives: The 16 Qualities of the Successful Organizer

“This strategic ecosocialist plan of action is a beautiful document, inspired by the spirituality of the original peoples. It shows the way to overcome the present ecocidal system: by anticapitalist, anti-imperialist, and social-ecological struggles.”
—Michael Löwy, author of Ecosocialism: A Radical Alternative to Capitalist Catastrophe

Cry for Mother Earth reads like poetry from the heart, something which is revolutionary in itself! The result of this work is phenomenal. … It’s perfect in its understanding and execution and should be put into action immediately. I hope that the rest of the world will have the opportunity to absorb its lessons and plans soon. I have no doubt that the seeds which have been sown are going to change ideas and conclusions and the paths ahead. What a blessing! … I am honored to be a small part of this revolutionary movement that will be an example to change the world, community by community.”
—Charlotte O’Neal, aka Mama C, Black Panther Party, Kansas City Chapter and United African Alliance Community Center

“I’m impressed by the attention, humility, and beauty of the people of Veroes in the state of Yaracuy, with whom we stayed for several days discussing the problems which affect our Mother Earth. I’m very proud to belong to the First Ecosocialist International, and I hope we can continue with this social movement … We concluded that we must build an international movement, made up of progressive governments, activists and ordinary people, to save the planet from the devastation of the imperialist capitalist system which destroys the environment.”
—Dhoruba Bin Wahad: Black Panther Party, New York Chapter and Community Change Africa

“This elegant manifesto points the way to the future, by drawing on our diverse and collective past. It provides a guide to short term defensive actions, medium term campaigns to prefigure alternatives in the present, and a long-term vision of a future where human beings thrive as part of nature. There is really no alternative to ecosocialism; the onus is on all of us to realize this future, wherever we live and whichever sphere of struggle we are engaged with.”
—Janet Cherry, South African activist and historian, former political detainee, and researcher for the Truth and Reconciliation Commission

“A hugely important project that gets my strongest endorsement.”
—Paul Buhle, official biographer of C.L.R. James

“The Plan of Action of the Ecosocialist International captures the Cry of Mother Earth. It also captures her defiance. And her hope. It echoes the urgent need for cultural reawakening and resistance in defense of all beings recognizing that an attack on one is an attack on us. This is not a plan to stimulate curiosity, but one that demands sensitivity, connectivity and actions as a sacred/radical duty to free humans and other beings from the predatory propensity of capital and their drivers. A call to recover our place as part of a community of beings.”
—Nnimmo Bassey, Health of Mother Earth Foundation

“Due to systemic inequality exacerbated by fascist politics of racial, gender, abled, linguistic, geographical, and anthropocentric antagonisms, the need for an ecosocialist plan of action is felt more than ever. The Combined Strategy and Plan of Action of the First Ecosocialist International assure the world, time and time again, that ecological justice is inter-linguistic, intercultural, and intergenerational—that an ecosocialist plan of action is the best foot forward towards a more just and equal world.”
—Thilini Prasadika, host of Who’s Afraid of the Humanities?

About the Author

Ecosocialist Horizons seeks to advance ecosocialism as a world-view and as a movement capable of offering real answers to the crises caused by capitalism. Whether these crises be social, economic, or ecological, an integrated approach is necessary.

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