Listen Anarchist!

SKU: 9781909798120
Author: Chaz Bufe
Publisher: Active Distribution
ISBN: 9781909798120
Published: 01/2015
Format: Pamphlet
Size: 5.5 x 8.25
Page count: 28
Subjects: Anarchism

Qty: - +


This is a new reprint of the classic pamphlet originally published by See Sharp Press.

From the pamphlet:

"Anarchism has never found wide acceptance in North America. Neglecting the reasons why this did not happen in the past, it's necessary to ask why anarchism remains a marginal, misunderstood philosophy. Conditions certainly seem ripe for a flowering of anarchist ideas and activity. Popular mistrust of government and business, as measured by public opinion polls, is much higher than it was 25 years ago. Official unemployment figures continue to hover near seven percent, while actual unemployment is probably far higher. The suicidal madness of the arms race could hardly be plainer. And the bankruptcy of marxism is all too obvious. Marxist regimes the world over have utterly and abjectly failed to create anything approaching free, equalitarian societies. Yet interest in anarchism and the amount of anarchist activity in North America remain pitifully small. Why? A large part of the blame must be assigned to the educational system, the mass media, organized religion, and the hierarchically structured unions which have strangled the labor movement. But external factors provide only a partial explanation. Internal factors must also be considered."

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