The Punk Anarchisms of Class War & Crimethinc.
Author: Sheena P. Rocker & Rudolf Ramon
Publisher: Active Distribution
ISBN: 9781909798564
Published: 2018
Format: Pamphlet
Size: 5.75 x 8.25
Page count: 56
Subjects: Punk, Anarchism
Many of the connections between punk and anarchism are well recognized (albeit with some important contentions). This recognition is usually focussed on how punk bands and scenes express anarchist political philosophies or anarchistic praxes, while much less attention is paid to expressions of ‘punk’ by anarchist activist groups. This pamphlet examines the distinct, yet overlapping, political approaches of Class War and CrimethInc. They are compared and contrasted, and in doing so, pervasive assumptions about the relationship between punk and anarchism are challenged, refuting the supposed dichotomy between ‘lifestylist’ anarchism and ‘workerist’ anarchism.
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