Poland 1980-82: Class Struggle and the Crisis of Capital

SKU: 9780934868266
Author: Henri Simon
Publisher: Black & Red Books
ISBN: 9780934868266
Published: 01/1985
Format: Paperback
Size: 5.5x8.25
Pages: 144
Subjects: Labour Studies, Unions, Work

Qty: - +


Henri Simon captures the drama, the hopes and disappointments of workers’ rebellions in Polish industrial cities in the early 1980s. This is a document of politicians practicing their skill at manipulation and cuts through all the pre-conceived notions and propaganda (both capitalist and Soviet) to deliver a detailed account and analysis of the workers' struggles. It contains an examination of the factors that led to a rank-and-file workers' movement in Poland that struggled to win a greater share of the surplus value being taken away from them by the state-capitalist ruling class of Poland eventually leading to new organizational forms for production and distribution.

the factors that led to a rank-and-file workers' movement in Poland that struggled to win a greater share of the surplus value being taken away from them by the state-capitalist ruling class of Poland and even, in some cases, forge new organizational forms for production and distribution.

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