The Strait: Obenabi’s Songs

SKU: 9780934868297
Author: Fredy Perlman
Publisher: Black & Red Books
ISBN: 9780934868297
Published: 01/2002
Format: Paperback
Size: 5.5x8.25
Pages: 397
Subjects: Fiction, History, Indigenous, Native American

Qty: - +


Obenabi, the narrator, sings the story of his people confronting the European Invader. The tales are personal, emerging from the remembered experiences of his grandmothers. These dramas of conflict, commerce, domestication, heroism, exchange and love are set in the Great Lakes region of North America. Most take place in splendid natural surroundings within walking distance of the Strait (now Detroit, Michigan).

Perman's posthumous novel is a wide-ranging imaginative account of history. Narrator Obenabi records in 1840 the histories of his ancient and recent grandmothers. Set in the North American woodlands, these tales begin before the Invader's arrival and trace how his Progress imposed - both insidiously and brutally - devastation on Obenabi's kin.

Posthumous novel. A wide-ranging imaginative account of history. Narrator Obenabi records in 1840 the histories of his ancient and recent grandmothers. Set in the North American woodlands, these tales begin before the Invader's arrival and trace how his Progress imposed - both insidiously and brutally - devastation on Obenabi's kin.

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